BrewBoys, Seeing Double

BrewBoys Seeing Double

Dinner was done and dusted but bedtime was quite a way away. I needed to something to fill the gap. I grabbed a bottle of Seeing Double from the fridge and scanned the label. The first thing I noticed was that it was strong, eight percent strong, the second was that it was modelled on a Scottish heavy. I’ve not had a heavy for a very long time so I wasn’t sure what to expect

I poured it into the glass and gazed upon the dark and brooding liquid. It was almost back, I wondered if it was a dark beer. It didn’t smell like a dark beer, there was a smoky malt smell. I was intrigued what it was going to taste like.

The first sip was amazing, it was thick and soft, almost like drinking treacle. It tasted malty with a sweet aftertaste that slowly went bitter. It was a lovely taste and I could have quite easily drunk a lot more

I loved this beer but I feel that it’s one to saviour as quantity could be dangerous