BrewBoys King Brown, Brown Ale

BrewBoys King Brown

I haven’t drunk a brown ale for very long time but I do have very fond memories of drinking bottles of Newcastle Brown back in my youth. I was hoping that this Brown Ale would bring those memories flooding back. I prepared my thirst by going swimming and then having a few salty snacks. I felt I was ready.

I poured the beer into a glass. It was definitely a Brown Ale, it was a dark brown, bordering on red. It looked good enough to drink. It didn’t smell of much but none of my memories of Brown Ale includes an aroma so I wasn’t overly surprised

The first sip gave a light malty taste that was neither too sweet nor too fizzy. I felt slightly underwhelmed. I was expecting something more but it wasn’t there.

It was fine as far as a Brown Ale goes but I won’t be rushing to buy another bottle. I suspect that my opinion may have been clouded by my memories of Brown Ale