The Suburban Brew, Gateway Lager 

I had had a slothful Sunday that was full of playing with a small child whilst its mother could catch up on the vital things in life, like sleep. It had been a very pleasant way of passing the afternoon and I felt that the evening should be passing in an equally pleasant way by sampling a beer or two. I decided that a lager would be the best way forward, I decision driven by the fact that there was one in the fridge. 

In my world a larger should be an uncomplicated drink, it should have a sweet aroma that can contain a little citrus, as this one did. Once in the glass it should be clear and golden, which this one was. Ther should be bubbles, lots of them. This one had all my desired attributes.  

This was definitely a summer lager. It was clean, crisp and refreshing, if a little watery. I could drink this in quantity and still find little to fault it.   

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